Fru-Fru Flower Headband Tutorial, Tiny Hair Clippy Tutorial, and a Giveaway!

Hello Bloggy Friends!
I want to give you a photo tutorial to show you how to make an oh-so-fashionable boutique style little girls headband. They are all the rage right now, these fancy pants headbands with GIANT frufru flowers adorning them. I also want to show you how to add a little pizazz to those cute tiny little baby hair clippies out there. These are super inexpensive to make, so before you go out and buy one, try your hand at making one yourself!
What you will need-
Silk flowers. I picked mine up at the Dollar Tree. For, of course, a dollar!
Scrapbooking flowers.
Trusty Hot Glue Gun.
Sequins and jewels.
Tiny alligator hair clips.
Large alligator hair clips.
Pack of headbands.

Remove all the plastic from the flowers you will be using. It’s easy, just pull it off!
Seperate all the layers of the flowers
There is more plastic hiding inside. Remove this also.
Bake a chicken ceaser pizza while crafting. Make sure to eat it later when you blog.

I used a silk flower petal for a base on my flowers. I have lots left over from Valentines day wreaths. (Petals, also from the $$ Store.)

Put a dollop of glue onto the petal, or whatever you use for a base.
Doesn’t my glue gun look pretty with all the red fuzz all over it? Hah.

Glue down the first layer of the flower you are starting with. I decided to go with 2 white ones.

Add more glue. (Hello again Old Faithful!)

Layer your next flower selection. I went with 2 layers of pink.

Rescue suicidal flower that dove off of counter into dog’s water dish.
(I promise I did not use this one in my finished product.)
I chose two smaller pink flowers for the center. Add another dab of glue-

I decided on a jewel for the center of this one

Stick on jewel!

I really wanted a clip like this for my flowers, but didn’t find any when I was at the store awhile back…

This one belongs to this cute flower clippy that I got in Hawaii in ’07.

I settled for this alligaror clip-

Flip your completed flower over, and apply a line of glue to it-

Set alligator clip onto glue

I added some glue to both ends of the clip to make it more secure

I then added more glue to the clip sides

I took the sides of the petal and wrapped them over the clip. Tried to get an “action” shot but I proceeded to hot glue my fingers in the process. Note to self, don’t focus so much on camera when dealing with HOT glue…

Now all you have to do is clip it onto a headband! Below are a couple that are from the hair section at the grocery store. Believe it or not, they fit on a babys head! If it is too big, just take it in a little bit at the seam. Another thing I have done- is cut off the leg from a pair of baby tights, and sew the ends together into a circle, and viola! A headband!

You could also use a cute baby headband you already have! This one LaLa got from her Nana for her birthday. It’s super cute alone too!

Clip it on! By the way, I wouldn’t use grey with this flower, but I already used my white ones.

Removable, interchangeable!

Here are a couple other ones I have made-

Now onto the fancy baby hair clippies!
What you will use-

Put a tiny little dab of hot glue onto the end of the clip-

Stick on your choice of little flower- mine is a fabric scrapbooking one

Add more glue

I layered a pink paper flower to the center.
And, yet some more glue-
(Old Faithful is really getting a workout today…)
I then topped it off with a pink sequin!

For a simply elegant look, just glue a single jewel onto a clip

What a cute pair they make!

If LaLa wasn’t napping, I would have her model for you! I put her hair up into a tiny ponytail that sticks straight up, and then clip one on below the hair tie.
By the way, the embellishments might come off, and if they do, just re-glue!

So there you have it, a set of pretty fancy little clippies, and a fru-fru flower ready for any headband!

And because I love all my bloggy readers. I am giving this set away! (Headband not included, ’cause I am out of those.) You will get the giant fru-fru flower minus headband, and the set of little clippies shown here. I haven’t ever made any for my shop because I am a little nervous about the liability issues. So, if you enter, please know you are taking responsibility for your child’s safety. Always check items to make sure they are secure, and don’t leave your baby alone with them. Deal? =)

Leave me a comment to enter! And if you can jump up and down while licking your elbow, I will give you another entry! Hehe. Giveaway ends Sunday night. Open to US and Canada shipping addresses.

I have to go pick the hot glue off my fingers now,


30 thoughts on “Fru-Fru Flower Headband Tutorial, Tiny Hair Clippy Tutorial, and a Giveaway!

  1. I seriously NEED these!!! That ginormous flower headband thingy rocks my world. I’m pretty sure it is bigger than Ava’a head…and I’m darn excited about that! BTW, where did you find those teeny tiny clippies? I have 1…yes, ONE and cannot find them in any stores. They are the only thing that will fit in Ava’s fine hair. Hook a girl up! My fingers are crossed!

  2. This is a great tutorial. I will have to try this. Thank you! Being the mom of 2 little girls, I can see this becoming a new obsession.And yes, I am jumping up and down licking my elbow as I type this (and jugging a 12 week old at the same time. Now that’s talent!)

  3. How wonderful!Iäm so inspiered, I will make some for my daughter, even if sheäs in a I donät want to have anything in my hair face.You have a lovely blog!Have a faboulus day!Bodil

  4. I’ve picked up most of the headbands at baby boutiques or on eBay. I’m horrible at explaining how to make the bows…I’m such a visual, hands-on person. Let me look online for a tutorial that I used…Love all of your baby items! Might just have to buy some. 🙂

  5. So darn cute, and the tutorial is great! I have a hard time with tutorials because I get in craft mode and forget to take enough pics. By the way, I haven’t forgotten about your recipes. It’s just been crazy around here.

  6. Another headband tip: cut up a leg of tights in 1 inch sections. Each ring is a headband, so I get about 12 headbands out of one pair of ruined toddler tights.

  7. LOVE LOVE LOVE IT.I've been looking for a flower to sew to my daughter hat i made her but couldnt find any great "carrie bradshaw" ones thanks for the tutuorial…we all know what ill be doing tomorrow.hehe.

  8. I googled "How to make flower headband for baby" and your blog came up as the first hit. And good thing too! This was a great step-by-step blog. I've tried my hand at making my baby her own tutu (for WAY cheaper than they want at places like, and very easy too!) and wanted to make her a crazy headband (I call them crazy, but I like "fru-fru" too). This was a great guide. I'll be making her one to go with her tutu for her first birthday photos. Thanks for putting this up for everyone to use!

  9. I am so excited to make my own…thank you for the tutorial. Just to let you know….you really made me laugh. I loved how you made a point to suggest making a pizza to eat later while blogging…and how your flower landed in the dog bowl! Again…so excited to try this! God Bless!

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